Note sparse per la mostra da Arnaud Lefebvre
Text written during the preparation of the exhibition at Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris.
Random notes for the exhibition at Arnaud Lefebvre, May 2003
16 x 18 cm, 50 x 60 cm, 90 x 110 cm, 160 x 180 cm.
These are the measurements of the four spaces I have been working on lately.
I am only exhibiting the small 16 x 18 cm works in this exhibition.
They are lumps of colour.
I always start with red. I prep the canvas with the red. Then a layer of green or purple, one on top of the other until I get to around thirty or forty stratifications. Sometimes the red disappears and sometimes there’s still a trace.
Every day a layer marks my time, the time of doing.
Solitary and serial.
I work simultaneously on four or five paintings at a time.
There is a deep space and a horizontal one.
A space cuts deeply across the canvas, it allows you to intuit all the stages and it ends with the crystalisation of the final act. And the other space that goes from one canvas to another allows you to hear the thought that moves horizontally like a sequence of words...
(For the full text see the download material.)