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# 19.03

With dad's diaries

From 2005 I have been working on a project called Diaries. I keep a trace of everything that has happened in my studio as though it were a diary: a diary of colours rather than of words. After a few years in which my painting emphasised a procedural and diary aspect, I began to reflect on everything and I thought that this attitude came from my father’s diaries. 
My father was a journalist, a trade unionist and a writer. He kept a diary for almost all his life. Every day he would write something down in his notebooks. Now these notebooks are in my hands. There are 34 books, written between 12 October 1963 and 8 March 1995, the day he died. Growing up with a man, with a father who would lock himself away for a while every day so he could write something in this mysterious notebook, was an incredibly powerful thing. My project on the idea of a diary sprang from all this: an artist’s diary. “One Diary Leads To Another”, which I chose as a title for this work, comes from one of his notebooks and was written on 1 March 1995.
Two diaries flow in parallel: one of colours and the other of words. 
In 2019 I builded a home for the diaries of my father. I talk about it in the chapter: "Dad's Diary Home"

(Written in 2019)
Dad's Diaries and Maria's Diaries
Travel diaries of my father shown at the Galerie lefebvre Paris, 2013
Travel diaries of my father shown at the Galerie lefebvre Paris, 2013
Me, reading my father's diary
My father's words diary is scrolling parallel next to my colored diary in the book "One Diary leads to an other"
My father's words diaries are scrolling parallel next to my colored diaries in the book "One Diary leads to an other"
"One diary leads to another"
"One diary leads to another"
"One diary leads to another"
"One diary leads to another"
"One diary leads to another"
"One diary leads to another"