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self portait / acting daily / sedimenting painting ("sedimentations")
# 2.06

Sedimenting painting ("sedimentations")

One layer on top of the other. The gesture is always the same: spreading fluid substance on a two-dimensional surface until I’ve covered almost all of it, but not completely. The process declares itself: at the top there is a border that recounts the passage of all the colours that have led me to that last layer.  Every single layer, every single colour, is already a painting, but nevertheless I continue to sediment and every now and then I linger over a colour. The choice of stopping right there is relative. It is a particular colour, but potentially it could be another. It is allowed to exist, leaving it almost all the space. It takes leave, becomes detached and pauses as though suspended before moving on.  Each “Sedimentation” is like the fragment of a painting that develops over time and that is painted infinitely. One at a time, one after the other.

(Written in 2013)
Sequence of the making of a Painting ("Sedimentation 2006 #52") from November 29, 2005 to February 11, 2006
Ph. S. Rubino
"Sedimentation" Detail
Ph. F. Allegretto, 2012
When finished the "Sedimentation" are accumulated in the "Sedimentary"
Ph. M. Morganti, 2016