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self portait / archiving oneself / archive generator
# 27.11

Archive generator

Rehashing ad infinitum

‘The creative process as the subsequent and almost spontaneous crystallisation of data and elements around a simple original nucleus.’
From Guido Morselli’s Diary, 9 December 1943

There is a creative dimension of the archive that has appeared over time. At a certain point, this system, this sort of living organism started to spit out excrescences, forms that say something about their point of origin, but which have also become actual autonomous bodies. Works and generative systems have sprung from the archive which intrinsically contain infinite possible variations; an imaginary and complex system capable of allowing different things to coexist. A world through which things that are assembled and drawn out concisely, which speak and determine other thoughts, through a constant dismantling and reassembling. Both the ‘Archive’ and the ‘Self-Portrait’ have become places of research and founding nuclei. They hide panels in which groups of works are framed with different criteria inside grids with the sludge-coloured background, chosen because it is a composite organic substance, an accumulation of everything that has occurred in the biological process of the formation of colour, capable of anchoring the thought to the substance.

*To examine this more in depth, search in ‘Works Archive’ for ‘Panel’, where the entire sequence of these types of works can be found.
(Text written in 2022. Modified in 2023, 2024)