Work description and interpretation
I decided to group together this series of early, naïve and clumsy texts in a single file because I consider them an independent group that represents the beginning of me writing as part of my process. They are all new pieces that emerged as soon as I began trying to explain myself and communicate with my first interlocutors. From teachers to schoolmates, from my dad to my mum, from young artists to old ones with whom I started interacting.
However, I decided to group them together in my selection because I think they already contain the seed of what would later germinate. They are a series of writings that I finished as stand-alone pieces, but you can feel the reverberation of some of them in the ‘Ruminating’ part of the site.
I decided to attribute the status of work to some of my writings, including them in the archive as such only in 2024. This text was written without the knowledge that it would have assumed the status of work in the future.
Series description and interpretation
Artist's writings
The elements that make up the usual act of an artist’s writing are used here as an integral part of the system-process-work, so much so that I decided to catalogue them in the archive not just as documents but also as works.
They were written either because other artists asked for them, or they accompanied projects, or were read during conferences, or are published works and new writings. They are writings that almost never have an assertive-declarative structure, but which could rather be described as an epistolary-text, a confessional-text, an explicative-text of a feeling, an empathetic-text, a dedication-text, a description-text, a diary-text, an examination-text, a dialogue-text, etc.
I decided to give the status of work to a series of my writings in 2024 and since then I have selected others to add to the sequence.
Typology description and interpretation
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