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Velden's Diary



Work description and interpretation
20 cards painted with acrylic, hung on the wall side by side, horizontally with a distance of about 1 cm. In September 2004 I participated in an artists’ residency in the Velden Casino in Austria. It involved working in a space behind the gaming rooms with people continually coming and going. This paradoxical situation, so far from the isolation of my studio, led me to rediscover a form of concentration and search for an interior rhythm that isolated me from the external context. It was as though I had started to listen to my breathing, to my heartbeat, to my rhythm, depicting myself inside a symbolic studio or mental space. I tried to imagine myself in a space in front of me in which I could repeat my daily gesture: that of spreading one colour a day with continuity. I started with twenty pieces of paper, which I placed together on the table. With my usual method, I started to spread colours one after another, one on top of the other. However, this time I let every single layer remain visible. Every time a colour dried, I moved on to another. I spread the same colour on all the twenty pieces of paper. Thus, every sheet of paper is the same, but simultaneously different because the movement of the hand changed every time the brush touched the surface. At the end of the week I found myself with a work that marked the time I had spent inside that space. The twenty sheets of paper hanging next to each other create a sort of wave or diagram of the biological rhythm. It was the beginning of what would later become my “Diaries”, a work that began in 2005 and has never ceased.
Series description and interpretation
Specific Projects
Works conceived for a specific site or a specific context.

Typology description and interpretation
Opere che prendono la forma diaristica

Morganti, Maria
Creation year
Casinò Velden, Austria
Techniques and Materials
Acrylic on paper
Specific Projects
Archive Number
2004_Diario_Progetti specifici_001
Ogni carta 31 x 23 cm
Status Artwork
Ph. F. Allegretto
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