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Installation Diary-Paper (CCNOA)

Work description and interpretation
Diary-Paper installation. Hung on the wall with steel pins, at a distance of 0.5 cm from one to the other.

"In 2004 for the exhibition Convergence at the CCNOA (Center for Contemporary Non-Objective Art) in Brussels, the regular grid covers an entire portion of the wall, from the upper margin to the lower one. This exhibitive variation introduces another element of reflection. The work transcends the dimension of the artistic object and takes on an environmental value that makes it the yardstick of the space. The minimalism of the paper module exhibited in this new way allows the conceptual significance of the gesture of placing the malleable work-substance in the space to emerge."
Barbara Garatti, in «Astratte» (Electa, 2024)
Series description and interpretation
Paper’s Specific projects
The sequence of the Papers occasionally takes a different order, as if to say that the order of things is arbitrary and can be reorganised differently every time.
These works are used like fragments, mosaic pieces to relate with different spaces.
A pictorial substance produced inside my studio that relates to external spaces becomes a pictorial gesture within the architecture.  The number, type and colour of the pieces of paper used is determined by the space that houses them.

Typology description and interpretation
Opere pittoriche su carta realizzate con acquerelli, carboncino, grafite, diverse tipologie di pastelli e pittura a olio e acrilica

Morganti, Maria
Creation year
CCNOA, Bruxelles
Techniques and Materials
Oil pastels and oil sticks on paper, steel pins
Paper’s Specific projects
Archive Number
2004_Carta_Progetti specifici Carte_001
Status Artwork
No longer extant
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