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Five canvases for Querini

Work description and interpretation
Five “Sedimentation” canvases painted by layering colours absorbed during the project for the Fondazione. From 15 September 2006 to 13 December 2007 every day I went to the five rooms of the picture gallery and sitting every day in front of the painting in each room I chose, I selected, took a colour and took it with me to the studio. What I was looking for was not a reproduction, but a tendency towards that colour. The result is five paintings-overdoors. Transported from the studio into the museum space, this painting seems to have been born there, as though it had always been there. In each room only the colour of the final layer of the painting is visible, but we know that it was formed via numerous superimpositions. In order to perceive the entire work a spatial repositioning is necessary, like on a walk from one room to another and moving from one point to another. Each painting thus becomes one of five layers of a single work visible in its totality only at the end of a precise point of view.
Series description and interpretation
This series of pictures regards all of those paintings which sprang from an external request. They thus derive from having come into contact with the mood of someone else’s palette and of having displayed the chromatic impressions one layer on top of the other or placed alongside one of my pre-existing paintings. Usually it is a question of having related to another artist’s painting, but what also occasionally happens is that I compare myself with another language, for example a literary one, or that I am inspired by a city. This series of paintings can also spring from a form of commissioning, in other words the work I am weighing myself up against can be determined by someone else.

Specific Projects
Works conceived for a specific site or a specific context.

Typology description and interpretation
Opere pittoriche a olio o acrilico su diversi supporti, ma prevalentemente su tela

Works generated by: Five canvases for Querini
Conceptual connections
Morganti, Maria
Creation year
Techniques and Materials
oil painting on canvas
Specific Projects
Archive Number
5 elementi; 90 x 125 cm each
Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice
Status Artwork
Intallation view: "Quadro Querini 5. Sala Giuseppe Jappelli", Venice, Winter 2007, oil painting on canvas, 90 x 125 cm
Ph. F. Allegretto
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