Work description and interpretation
Serie of 9 canvases placed side by side.
Series description and interpretation
Artist's Proofs
The artist’s proofs are works which preceed the series.
Inlay of canvasses painted with acrylic inserted into Istrian stone.
The stone is the same material used to build the top part of the wall in Pellestrina. There are eleven canvasses, which is the same number in kilometres as the length of the island.
Pellestrina is a long strip of land that separates the sea from the lagoon. A three-metre-high wall runs along the entire length of the island and was built as a sea defence for Venice. When you walk on this ridge, the ‘monton’, your lateral vision perceives two vast areas: one is the lagoon and the other is the sea. One has one colour, one smell, one movement, one marine life, and the other has another.
Typology description and interpretation
Opere pittoriche a olio o acrilico su diversi supporti, ma prevalentemente su tela