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Diary collection

Work description and interpretation
I think of my diary collection as a work. In fact, it has become a necessary tool and is part of the complex system that defines my world. As such it cannot be disbanded until the end of my days.
The nucleus that first started the collection which constantly continues to grow in my library comes from my father’s collection. That is why there is a section of books containing his inscription.
Many of the sentences printed in these diarists’ books are those I refer to and choose empathically when looking for quotes to open the various chapters in the ‘Self-portrait’ section of my site. I use all these texts as though they were a large book of Ching which, when opening it somewhat randomly and asking it urgent questions, helps me to find the answers or rather the connections.
It is from the intimate sound of others that I find the voice to express myself. It is as though the fact of superimposing myself onto other interiorities helps me not to feel alone. It is as though I were able to talk only through the words of others or as if I were asking others to speak on my behalf.
All these tomes, catalogued alphabetically according to the author’s surname, are situated in the bookcases on the first floor of my studio but potentially could be exhibited publicly as a nucleus together with other works.
By fixing the ‘Diarist’ type and the ‘Diary’ theme in my private digital archive and fixing them as parameters it is possible to have a continuously updated list and count of the books in my collection.
The date inside the archive relates to the moment I decided that this collection was going to become a work.

Each book is marked on the frontispiece with the archive stamp.
Series description and interpretation
Collections of things that at a certain point I decided to confer with the statute of works.

Typology description and interpretation
Opere che possono essere utilizzate come strumenti per fare qualcos’altro nello studio e nell’archivio

Conceptual connections
Morganti, Maria
Creation year
Archive Number
Status Artwork
In progress
Ph. F. Allegretto, 2022
Ph. F. Allegretto, 2022
ph. F. Allegretto, 2023
ph. F. Allegretto, 2023
ph. F. Allegretto, 2023
ph. F. Allegretto, 2023
ph. F. Allegretto, 2023
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