Work description and interpretation
The layout of all the ‘Sedimentations’ painted between 2000 and 2022 and held in the ‘Sedimentary’ in 2022, and all the ‘Diaries’ painted up to 2022 that were placed in chronological order in the ‘Diary-theque’ in 2022, is like a piece of writing on a single white vertical page, on which a musical pentagram has been superimposed.
Series description and interpretation
The layout of all the ‘Sedimentations’ held in the ‘Sedimentary’ and all the ‘Diaries’ held in the in the ‘Diary-Teque’ in a certain amount of time, placed in chronological order is like a piece of writing on a single white vertical page, on which a musical pentagram has been superimposed.
All those works characterised by a touch of colour added with the point of my finger or hand belong to this series.
Typology description and interpretation
Opere che raccolgono dati dall’archivio e che nel loro insieme sono disposti nelle forme unitarie di grafici, griglie, indici, tavole sinottiche