Work description and interpretation
This piece was conceived as a caption to go alongside a work every time it is exhibited or if it is published.
I wrote the first version, the second was revised and shortened by the archive committee to make it more easily applicable in reality:
Each work exhibited in this space is part of a broader project. What you see was conceived, generated and catalogued in my studio and it is the fragment of an entire work that is recomposed within a single organic body which is the archive.
To have a total perception, return to my site ‘Un archivio del tempo’’
Second version:
Each work exhibited in this space is both an independent and complete work and a part of the artist’s archive-work Un archivio del tempo
Series description and interpretation
"I decide to use all of those elements usually considered as equipment, tools, systems which transmit the work, such as the caption, the site, the archive etc., as an integral part of my work. It is almost as though I were going to define a sort of ecosystem, a world that is capable of defining itself.
All the works that are part of other series also belong to this one." Maria Morganti (2023)
Artist's writings
The elements that make up the usual act of an artist’s writing are used here as an integral part of the system-process-work, so much so that I decided to catalogue them in the archive not just as documents but also as works.
They were written either because other artists asked for them, or they accompanied projects, or were read during conferences, or are published works and new writings. They are writings that almost never have an assertive-declarative structure, but which could rather be described as an epistolary-text, a confessional-text, an explicative-text of a feeling, an empathetic-text, a dedication-text, a description-text, a diary-text, an examination-text, a dialogue-text, etc.
I decided to give the status of work to a series of my writings in 2024 and since then I have selected others to add to the sequence.
These works comprise words and concepts
Typology description and interpretation
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