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Reduced self-portrait panel #4

Series description and interpretation
Reduced Self-Portraits Panels
The entire section of the site entitled ‘Self-portrait’ is reproduced here in its entirety with the texts all on one page. All of the discourse that has continuously flowed over the years alongside the painterly action is thus condensed and compacted in its entirety.
This miniaturised form has become the emblem of the functioning of the brain which reflects the system of the ‘Sitemind’ published on the web, which can only be entered via a tortuous and fragmentary pathway.
The print is so shrunken that it cannot be read by the naked eye. In order to decipher it is necessary to move up close to it and read every single piece through a magnifying glass.
It is possible to possess the entire body of thought under one’s gaze, but at the same time it cannot be deciphered all at once. It cannot be understood in its entirety unless it is entered into separately in every single part to then reconstruct it by connecting those parts through reasoning.
If you think that a laser printer excavates a mirrored surface, you realise that this series of works triggers two contrasting actions. On the one hand you have to try to read the text and on the other that of seeing one’s reflection inside, actually being reflected inside a text entitled ‘Self-portrait’. This is where the tension lies, in that point, in the impossibility of carrying out these two actions together: either you see yourself reflected or you read the text.
Year after year, different objects will be determined because they are defined by a series of parameters. The text will change, it could grow or in some parts it could even shrink or change its contents. In the same way, the how we perceive and read ourselves is also destined to change.
The size of the written characters will always remain the same just as the size of the width of the support (60cm – which is approximately the measurement of a human’s shoulders). What will change is the height of the object, which at first will cover only the view of the face (approximately the size of a bathroom mirror) and gradually, over time, will get longer until, potentially, reaching the length of an entire human figure.

Artist's writings
The elements that make up the usual act of an artist’s writing are used here as an integral part of the system-process-work, so much so that I decided to catalogue them in the archive not just as documents but also as works.
They were written either because other artists asked for them, or they accompanied projects, or were read during conferences, or are published works and new writings. They are writings that almost never have an assertive-declarative structure, but which could rather be described as an epistolary-text, a confessional-text, an explicative-text of a feeling, an empathetic-text, a dedication-text, a description-text, a diary-text, an examination-text, a dialogue-text, etc.
I decided to give the status of work to a series of my writings in 2024 and since then I have selected others to add to the sequence.

Typology description and interpretation
Opere che raccolgono dati dall’archivio e che nel loro insieme sono disposti nelle forme unitarie di grafici, griglie, indici, tavole sinottiche

Opere costituite da una forma testuale

Morganti, Maria
Creation year
Ideation year
Techniques and Materials
Laser print on a plastic material; Edition of 3 + 1 ap
Reduced Self-Portraits Panels
Artist's writings
Archive Number
2024_Tavola_Tavole autoritratti ridotti_001
Status Artwork
To be created
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