Work description and interpretation
The palette is reduced to a minimum. There is only one place where the colour is formed: the bowl. Every day in my studio I head towards it and add a colour to the one left over from the day before. I never use a pure colour; I always start from what I find inside the bowl. What I find is what is left over from the day before once I have painted on a canvas. Every day I add a new colour, slowly transforming it over time. The substance changes, is consumed and does not accumulate. It is always renewed. The bowl never empties but is always alive and wet. It is like keeping a plant alive. There is only one bowl but there are lots of canvases.
L'anno di datazione si riferisce al momento in cui il lavoro si è sistematizzato, seppure, a quel momento, ancora in maniera non consapevole. É il momento in cui sono cominciati più o meno anche i "Diari", il "Quadro infinito" e le "Sedimentazioni".
Series description and interpretation
The bowl il the palet where I create my colour every day.
I never use a pure colour; I always start from what I find inside the cup. What I find is what is left over from the day before once I have painted on a canvas.
Every day I add a new colour, slowly transforming it over time.
The substance changes, is consumed and does not accumulate. It is always renewed. The cup never empties but is always alive and wet. It is like keeping a plant alive.
Typology description and interpretation
Opere che nel loro insieme costituiscono l’opera “Luogogesto”