Work description and interpretation
112 Diary-Paper hung on the wall with steel pins. Each piece is distant 0.5 cm from the other. The size of the installation is determined by the size of the artist's studio wall.
Series description and interpretation
Studio Diary-Paper Walls
Once they have been painted and dried, the Paper-Diaries are hung on the wall to the right of my worktop. It takes 112 parts to fill a wall and about a year of my time. When the wall is finished, my work is done. Since 2011 the Paper-Diaries have assumed this new form: that year’s wall is placed inside a box coated with a colour that on the outside is inspired by the last piece of paper and on the inside by the first. The work is always installed so that it recreates the dimensions of my studio wall: 274 x 217 cm. The chronologically ordered pieces of paper are read from left to right like a piece of writing and become a page in a notebook, a diary.
This series stoped in 2018.
Typology description and interpretation
Opere pittoriche su carta realizzate con acquerelli, carboncino, grafite, diverse tipologie di pastelli e pittura a olio e acrilica
Morganti, Maria
Creation year
Techniques and Materials
Oil pastels and oil sticks on paper
Studio Diary-Paper Walls
Archive Number
2014_Carta_Pareti Studio Carte-Diario_001
Parete: 274 x 217 cm (circa). Ogni carta: 18x26 cm. Scatola: 20,5 x 30,5 x 23,5 cm
Cardboard and tissue boxes: Anselmo Polliero bindery, Venice
Status Artwork